Greetings! I have finally entered the cyberworld.I have resisted doing this for many years, but God has really been speaking to me about doing this. So why have I resisted for so long? As a science teacher in public and independent schools for 16 years, I have always felt like I had to watch what I say. My goal was always to reach the lost with the love of Christ, but sometimes it is best to live out your testimony rather than speak it. You see, Darwinism and the study of evolution is the religion of many in the science community. Many of my colleagues, past and present, would pride themselves in being Darwinists and priests in this new Religion. I always felt like I had to be better than them at everything. For this reason, I drove myself to near insanity pursuing every degree and teacher training that I could attend. By God's grace I graduated with honors in undergraduate school, earned my Master's Degree, and eventually a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Even so, I felt like Joseph in Pharaoh's court. I felt as though I had to be very cautious and calculating to survive in a world so contrary to God's word.
I have spent my whole life in public schools from kindergarten through Doctoral studies. I have even spent 16 years as an educator in this world. I am so thankful to God that the many years of exposure to the lie of evolution has not weakened my faith. In fact, studying science to the degree that I have has actually increased my faith! I once heard a quote and I forgot who said it, but it went something like, "A little science will cause one to lose faith in God. A lot of science will cause one to never doubt." I have studied so many topics in science that can only be explained by the work of a creator. Many famous scientists in the past have proclaimed their faith in God.
However, I have seen what the current secular educational system has done to the faith of many young people. As a science teacher, I have witnessed the gradual erosion of faith of many "on fire" Christians when they enter high school as freshmen. Could I have done more? The answer to that is YES. I have recently started regularly praying in the empty classrooms at my school. This is a practice I have done sporadically in the past, but God has really put it on my heart to begin this practice again. I have so much that I want to tell these students. But I know that once I do so, my career is over. For that reason, I am currently looking into teaching at a Christian school where I can equip God's people (with the help of the Holy Spirit) with the knowledge they need to defend what they believe in this secular humanist society. It has been a dream of mine since the very first day I started teaching. I have often wondered why God has kept me in public education for so long. I have often heard that "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." Have these 16 years been the work of God qualifying me for this task? Many will say that I am leaving the mission field that God has placed me in. If that is the case, I pray that God closes every door out before I foolishly walk through. However, it is not until you have taught in such a system for the length of time that I have that you become aware of how difficult it is to minister in such a place.
This blog is a collection of thoughts that I have had for many years as well as a commentary of sorts on different articles I have read and sermons I have heard. I hope that this blog is encouraging and strengthens your faith in Jesus Christ.